骑马与砍杀2:霸主 开发日志10

Hello all Mount &Blade players, curious individuals and accidental Mount & Blade blogreaders! We hope you are having a wonderful 2015, so far and that you enjoyedour previous blog by Finn Seliger, covering the music of Bannerlord.
  各位骑砍玩家与偶然看到这篇日志的读者们大家好!希望你们都有一个美好的2015,目前为止你们都对我们以前的日志(by Finn Seliger)以及《领主》的音乐感到喜闻乐见。

This time, the blogcomes right from us and we're going to be touching on an interesting newfeature for the single player, something we know a lot of you want to hearabout

One of the areas ofour development focus is improving player interaction with NPCs and otherfactions and making this part of the game feel deeper and more meaningful. Inorder to facilitate this, early in the development we decided to use adedicated bartering screen. We have been working on this new feature for sometime now and it has matured to a point where it adds a lot to gameplay and hasmany interesting details we can talk about.
我们的其中一个开发重点就是提升玩家与NPC的互动以及其他功能,并且将游戏中的这一部分变得更深以及更有意义。为了更好地达成这个目标,就在之前我们决定添加一个专门的交易面板。我们已经在这一方面进行了一段时间的工作,现在我们对它要添加到游戏里的东西已经有了一个方向,我们有很多有趣的东西可以说一说。As shown in thescreenshot, the bartering screen is fairly self explanatory. The right handside presents a list of things the player can offer towards the deal, and theleft hand side shows what the player can demand from the other party. This is asimple system that makes deals easy to create and view, with potentialofferings grouped together for ease of use.

Thesatisfaction-meter in the middle demonstrates the other party's willingness toaccept the deal and so is the key indicator for the player, when puttingtogether a barter offer. Satisfaction changes as we add and remove items intothe offer. It is also affected by other factors such as player skills andrelation to the character -and especially- the needs of the other party.Certain goods and arrangements have different values for different NPCs. Forexample, setting free a character who is held prisoner may be worth quite a lotto the prisoner's family and to a lesser extent, other NPCs in the samefaction, while this may be of essentially no value to characters who arecompletely unrelated.

The things that canbe exchanged in barter depend on context as well. When bartering with enemies,you are able to negotiate peace deals, while barters between a king and hisvassals could consist of granting ranks within the kingdom or awarding offiefs.

Under the hood, thegame takes what might be called a rather materialistic approach: In the worldof Bannerlord's barters, everything has a price; the game internally assigns anumerical value in the game world's currency --denars to every possible item ina barter, then uses this monetary value to evaluate whether a deal is good ornot. Something to be careful of, with this kind of system, is the potential ofcounter-intuitive results arising: For example bribing your arch-enemy to joinyour faction, if you pay the right amount. In practice though, this is a
non-issue. The systemwill typically assign such exorbitant values to decisions of this sort, thatthese will be extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the playerto attain.
本质上,游戏拥有Materialistic Approach的功能:在《领主》的交易中,所有东西都有它的价值;游戏中的货币都被分配了自己的价值——第纳尔可以用于与任何可能的物品交易,然后使用货币的价值来评估交易的好坏。要注意,在这样的系统中,可能会出现与直觉相违的结果,举个例子:如果你付出足够的代价便可贿赂你的死敌,使他加入你的派系。但事实上,这只是个微不足道的问题。系统常常会给这样的类型分配过高的价值使其变得极其困难,对玩家来说几乎不可能。

The sandbox AI canuse the barter system just like the player. We have a system in place thatfinds parties which could be interacting and then tries to build barter offersthat would be acceptable to both parties. For example, if one of your vassalshas low loyalty and there is a rival king nearby who has a fief to spare, thereis a chance that the king will entice your lord with the promise of the fiefand your vassal will defect. Handling AI interactions in this way is a greatboon for the strategical campaign as it makes the game much more interestingand unpredictable, while retaining balance and realism.

We hope you enjoyedreading about this new feature for Bannerlord and we are looking forward to sharingmore information about the progress of the game soon.
